Virginia Woolf e Frida Kahlo inspiram Florence Welch

Virginia Woolf colocou pedras no bolso de seu casaco e entrou no rio Ouse em 1941, Frida Kahlo chamou um de seus quadros de Lo Que el Agua Me Dio em 1938 e Florence Welch, que acompanha a banda The Machine, produziu uma música chamada “What the Whater Gave Me” em 2011, homenageando Virginia e Frida, dois grandes nomes da arte.

A música, como tantas de Florence (sou fã), ficou muito bonita.

Às vezes, no momento da homenagem, o artista se prende a certas referências do que pode ser óbvio, no caso dela isso não aconteceu, a música fala de amores perdidos, de pedras num casaco, de aceitação. Muito, muito, bonito.

Abaixo o clip e a letra. Tem uma tradução aqui.

Time it took us
To where the water was
That’s what the water gave me
And time goes quicker
Between the two of us
Oh, my love, don’t forsake me
Take what the water gave me


Lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the overflow
Pockets full of stones

Lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the overflow

And don’t pour at us
The world’s beast of a burden
You’ve been holding on a long time
And all this longing
And the shields are left to rust
That’s what the water gave us


So lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the overflow
Pockets full of stones

Lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the overflow

‘Cause they took your loved ones
But returned them in exchange for you
But would you have it any other way?
Would you have it any other way?
You could have had it any other way

‘Cause she’s a crueller mistress
And the bargain must be made
But oh, my love, don’t forget me
When I let the water take me

So lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the overflow
Pockets full of stones

Lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the overflow

So lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the overflow
Pockets full of stones

Lay me down
Let the only sound
Be the overflow

Imagem: Idolator

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